You can find the intersection point between two infinite lines from existing points.
After an intersection is found, you can save it by specifying a new point identifier.
To calculate a Quadrant Bearing/Quadrant Bearing intersection in the Survey Command Window
To calculate a Quadrant Bearing/Quadrant Bearing intersection, using the survey command language
BB [point 1] [quadrant bearing 1] [quadrant 1] [offset 1] [point 2] [quadrant bearing 2] [quadrant 2] [offset 2]
NE 1 100 100
NE 2 200 200
BB 1 66.6667 1 50 2 33.3333 2 50
! INTERSECTION # 1 NORTH:100.000000 EAST:200.000000
An intersection is located between a quadrant bearing of N66.6667"E drawn from point 1, with an offset distance of 50 feet to the right and a quadrant bearing of S33.3333"E drawn from point 2 with, an offset distance of 50 to the right.