Use this dialog box to view and change pipe network-related settings.
This topic documents settings in all pipe network-related Edit Settings dialog boxes (drawing-level, feature-level, and command-level).
For information about drawing-level ambient settings, see Ambient Settings Tab (Drawing Settings Dialog Box).
Use these settings to establish the default styles assigned to pipe network components.
Specifies the default style for interference in the pipe network. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Interference Default Style dialog box.
Specifies the default style for structures in the pipe network. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Structure Default Style dialog box.
Specifies the default style for pipes in the pipe network. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Pipe Default Style dialog box.
Specifies the default interference render material in the pipe network. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Interference Render Material dialog box.
Specifies the default style for structure labels that are displayed in plan view. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Structure Plan Label Style dialog box.
Specifies the default style for pipe labels that are displayed in plan view. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Pipe Plan Label Style dialog box.
Specifies the default style for structure labels that are displayed in a profile view. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Structure Profile Label Style dialog box.
Specifies the default style for pipe labels that are displayed in profile view. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Pipe Profile Label Style dialog box.
Specifies the default style for structure labels that are displayed in a section view. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Structure Section Label Style dialog box.
Specifies the default style for pipe labels that are displayed in section view. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Pipe Section Label Style dialog box.
Specifies the default render material in the pipe network. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Render Material dialog box.
Specifies the default parts list for the pipe network. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Default Parts List dialog box.
Use these settings to specify the default name formats for pipe network components (pipe network, pipes, structures). Click in the Value column, and click to make changes in the Name Template dialog box
Use these settings to establish the default rule set assigned to pipes and structures that are added to the pipe network.
Specifies the default rule set assigned to structures. Click in the Value column, and click to select a set in the Structure Default Rules dialog box.
Specifies the default rule set assigned to pipes. Click in the Value column, and click to select a set in the Pipe Default Rules dialog box.
Use these settings to establish the default settings assigned to pipe networks when they are created.
Specifies the default method used to populate the Description field for newly created parts. When set to No, the part family name, as it is specified in the part catalog, is used to populate the part Description field. When set to Yes, the part size name, as it is specified in the parts list, is used to populate the part Description field.
Use these settings to establish the defaults for part matching, and the default parts list, used when migrating pipe network data between the Storm Sewers Extension or Storm and Sanitary Analysis and AutoCAD Civil 3D.
Specifies the defaults used for part matching when migrating pipe network data between the Storm Sewers Extension or Storm and Sanitary Analysis and AutoCAD Civil 3D. Click in the Value column, and click to display the Part Matchup Settings dialog box for importing and exporting.
Specifies the default parts list used when migrating pipe network data between the Storm Sewers Extension or Storm and Sanitary Analysis and AutoCAD Civil 3D. Click in the Value column, and click to select a parts list.
Setting this to No allows only dimensional values to change within the part's current Part Family, as follows:
Use these settings to establish the default placement of profile view labels associated with the pipe network.
Specifies the location of the dimension line anchor for profile view labels for pipes:
Specifies the default level of the dimension line anchor for profile view labels for pipes. Enter a level in the Value column or click and select a level in the drawing area.
Specifies the default plot height of the dimension line anchor for profile view labels for pipes. Enter a height in the Value column.
Specifies the location of the dimension line anchor for profile view labels for structures:
Specifies the default level of the dimension line anchor for profile view labels for structures. Enter a level in the Value column or click and select a level in the drawing area.
Specifies the default plot height of the dimension line anchor for profile view labels for structures. Enter a height in the Value column.
Specifies the default location of structure labels:.
Use these settings to establish the default placement of section view labels associated with the pipe network.
Specifies the location of the dimension line anchor for section view labels for pipes:
Specifies the default level of the dimension line anchor for section view labels for pipes. Enter a level in the Value column or click and select a level in the drawing area.
Specifies the default plot height of the dimension line anchor for section view labels for pipes. Enter a height in the Value column.
Specifies the location of the dimension line anchor for section view labels for structures:
Specifies the default level of the dimension line anchor for section view labels for structures. Enter a level in the Value column or click and select a level in the drawing area.
Specifies the default plot height of the dimension line anchor for section view labels for structures. Enter a height in the Value column.
Specifies the default location of structure labels:
Specifies the default location of pipe labels displayed in section views:
Use these settings to establish the defaults when you add a network pipe or structure table.
Specifies the style for a table. Click in the Value column, and click to select a style in the Table Style dialog box.
Specifies whether a table is split into two or more sections after a specified maximum number of rows has been met.
Specifies the maximum number of rows to include per section. If the number of data rows exceeds the specified maximum, the table is split into sections, and they are displayed either side by side (left to right), or stacked vertically.
Specifies the maximum number of sections to include in each stack.
Specifies the spacing between tables.
Specifies the direction in which the table tiles (across or down).
Use these settings to establish the default labeling when you add parts to a network.
Specifies whether a new pipe is labeled by default when placed in plan view.
Specifies whether a new pipe is labeled by default when placed in profile view.
Specifies whether a new structure is labeled by default when placed in plan view.
Specifies whether a new structure is labeled by default when placed in profile view.