Use this dialog box either to create and save label sets or to import an existing label set.
Specifies the type of label, which is related to elements in the alignment that can be labeled. After you select a label type, you assign a style. Select one or more label types to include in the label set:
Lists the styles available for the specified label type. Select a style from the list.
Specifies the style options. Create a new style, copy or edit the current style selection, or pick a style from the drawing.
Opens the Style Detail dialog box. Preview the style and creation information.
Adds the selected element and style to the label set.
Deletes the selected element in the label set.
Resets manual or grip edits that may have been made to any labels.
Displays the label types added from the Type list.
Displays the label style selected and added from the Style list. Click to change the style.
Displays the increment at which the label is displayed. To change the default value, click in the cell, and enter a new value.
Displays the starting chainage at which the label is displayed. By default, the start chainage is at the beginning of the alignment. To change the default display, clear the check box and enter a new value.
Displays the ending chainage at which the label is displayed. By default, the end chainage is at the end of the alignment. To change the default display, clear the check box and enter a new value.
Specifies the geometry points to label for the Geometry Points, Profile Geometry Points, and Superelevation Critical Points label types. You can label a selection of geometry points in a label type using a selected style. You can then add another instance of the same label type, which can label a second selection of geometry points using a different style. Click to select the geometry points to label.
For Profile Geometry Points label types, specifies which profile’s geometry points are labeled on the alignment to change the profile.
When a chainage label style is in Chainage Index Format, this is the base value used to format the chainage labels.
For example, when chainage labels are displayed at 20-meter increments using the default Chainage Format, they are formatted as 0+00, 0+20, 0+40, 0+60, etc. If the same labels used the Chainage Index Format, with the Chainage Index Increment set to 10, the labels would be formatted as 0+0, 2+0, 4+0, 6+0, etc. Changing the Chainage Index Increment to 20 would format the labels as 0+0, 1+0, 2+0, 3+0, etc.
Opens the Select Style Set dialog box. Select a previously saved label set style and use it on the current alignment. Importing a label set overwrites the existing setting on the Labels tab.
Opens the Label Set dialog box. Configure the name and other settings for the current label set. This set is saved on the Toolspace Settings tab.