Use the HEC-RAS Tools in AutoCAD Civil 3D to export surface and alignment data in HEC-RAS format for use in flood analysis.
Prepare AutoCAD Civil 3D data for export | In a drawing that contains an existing ground surface that represents a river, define the ditch centerline as an alignment, and create a sample line group with chainages at desired ditch locations. | |
Export the AutoCAD Civil 3D data | Using the HEC-RAS Export Tool, enter the stream cross section, and save a GEO file containing the AutoCAD Civil 3D information. | |
Analyze the flood information in the HEC-RAS software | Import the GEO file into the HEC-RAS software program, analyze the flood information, and save an SDF file to import back into AutoCAD Civil 3D. | |
Import the flood analysis into AutoCAD Civil 3D | In AutoCAD Civil 3D, use the HEC-RAS Import Tool to import the SDF file you created in HEC-RAS. |