Creating Profiles
Topics in this section
About Creating Profiles
Using profiles, you can view changes in level along a horizontal alignment.
To Create a Surface Profile Along an Alignment
About Creating Layout Profiles
Create layout profiles to represent designed levels along an alignment.
To Create a Layout Profile
About the Format Requirements of Profile Files
Use profile files to record layout data for vertical intersection points (VIPs) in a profile.
To Create a Profile From a Profile File
About Creating a Profile by Best Fit
Create a profile that follows the most logical path through a series of surface profiles, feature lines, COGO points, or AutoCAD 3D polylines, points, or blocks.
To Create a Profile by Best Fit
To Create Profile References
About Copying a Profile
Copy a layout profile or a static surface profile. Use the copy to create a profile or replace an existing one.
To Copy a Profile
About Creating a Quick Profile
View surface level data along an object or between two points.
To Create Quick Profiles
To Create a Superimposed Profile
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