Use the Survey Command Window to modify the level of points.
The level modification commands are intended to work only with control and non-control points.
To modify the level of a single point
MOD LEV [point 1] (level)
To modify the level of a multiple points
MOD ELEVS [point 1] [point 2] [level]
To modify point level by an increment
MOD LEV BY [point 1] (amount)
MOD ELEVS BY [point 1] [point 2] (amount)
This example modifies the level of point 2 from 33.528 to 32.004 and then increases the level of point 2 by an increment of 10.0. Levels are in the current units, unless you type a qualifying suffix:
NEZ 1 100 100 30.480
NEZ 2 200 200 33.528
MOD LEV 2 32.004
! POINT 2 LEVEL: 32.004
MOD LEV BY 2 10.0