Use this tab to quickly make adjustments to pipes that are connected to a single structure.
The Connected Pipes tab lets you quickly view and edit properties that are important for pipes connected to structures. For example, you can use this tab to edit the following properties on pipes connected to the selected structure:
You can use this tab to quickly perform a variety of edits to pipes that are connected to a structure. You can align the levels on multiple pipes connected to the structure according to the invert, soffit, or centerline level of a selected pipe.
The following information describes the properties that are displayed on the Connected Pipes tab.
Displays the name of the current structure and each pipe connected to it. Read-only.
Displays the current status of each pipe connected to the structure. Read-only.
Displays the description of each pipe connected to the structure. Read-only.
Specifies the inner diameter for circular pipes. Editable.
Specifies the inner width for non-circular (rectangular) pipes. Editable.
Specifies the inner height for non-circular (rectangular) pipes. Editable.
Specifies the invert level of the pipe. Editable.
Specifies the centerline level of the pipe. Editable.
Specifies the soffit level of the pipe. Editable.
Specifies the gradient of the pipe coming out of the structure. Read-only.
Displays the flow direction of the pipe, indicating if the pipe flows in to or out of the structure. Read-only.
Displays the name of the structure at the other end of the pipe. Read-only.