Use this dialog box to specify the settings to use when creating an alignment by best fit through a series of objects.
Specifies the type of source objects (AutoCAD Blocks, AutoCAD Elements, AutoCAD Points, COGO Points, or Feature Lines) from which to create the best fit alignment.
Opens the Weeding Options dialog box, which enables you to specify options for adding or removing vertices when using either feature lines or AutoCAD elements as the input data.
Specifies that the alignment is created through a single path of regression points.
Use this option to create an alignment from centerline sample data.
Specifies that the alignment is created between two paths of regression points.
Use this option to create a centerline alignment between sample data of the either the edges of pavement of a road, or the left and right rails.
These options affect the manner in which the best fit algorithm is applied to the input data.
Specifies the largest acceptable radius of curves that are created from the input data.
Specifies that transitions are created between the alignment straights and curves. The transitions on either side of a curve are symmetric unless the match straights option is selected.
Specifies the target R/A ratio for transitions that are created.
Specifies that the solution will follow the straights as much as possible. If no solution is available, then the straights are moved toward the circles until a transition solution is found between the straight and the curve.
Specifies the minimum R/A ratio for transitions that are created. This value controls the length of the transitions:
Specifies the name of the alignment. Each alignment must have a unique name.
Specifies a site for the alignment. Select a site from the Site list, or enter a new site name.
Displays the current style. Click the arrow to select another alignment style.
Displays the default alignment label set. Click the arrow to select another alignment label set.
Displays the layer on which the alignment object is created. Click the arrow to select another layer.
Opens the Best Fit Alignment Report vista, which lists the results of the best fit regression, including the coordinates of each regression point.