Use this dialog box to create a pressure network from a drawing object.
You can select one of the following element types in a drawing and create a pressure network from it: line, arc, 2D or 3D polyline, feature line, alignment, or survey figure.
Specifies the name of the pressure network. Each pressure network must have a unique name.
Opens the Name Template dialog box, where you can modify the pressure network naming template.
Specifies an optional description for the pressure network.
Specifies the parts list associated with this pressure network.
Opens the Pressure Network Layers dialog box, where you can assign various views of the pressure network components to specific layers in the drawing.
Specifies the surface associated with this pressure network.
Specifies the alignment associated with this pressure network.
When this option is selected, the levels of any vertexes along the selected element are used to set the levels of the parts created in the network. The following options are available: Outside Top, Soffit, Centerline, Invert, Outside Bottom.