To Create Points by Chainage and Offset

Use the chainage and the offset to specify the location of the point.

  1. Select settings and create styles, layers, point groups, and description keys.
  2. Home tab Create Ground Data panel Points menu Create Points - Miscellaneous Chainage/Offset Object .
  3. Select a line, polyline, feature line, plot line, or arc.
  4. Enter the starting chainage or press Enter to accept the default.

    The ending chainage is automatically calculated.

  5. Enter the chainage at which you want to create the point or press Enter to accept the default.
  6. Enter the offset distance.
  7. If prompted, enter the point name, description, and level.
  8. Press Enter to end the command.
Note: Many factors affect how the point is displayed. For more information, see To Control the Appearance of Points in a Drawing.