Use this tab to select linear and angular units, intended plot scale, and coordinate zone for the current drawing.
Specifies the linear units (feet or meters) for drawing elements in AutoCAD model space.
Specifies the angular units for drawing elements in AutoCAD model space:
Specify one of the following conversion settings from the drop-down list:
Specifies that objects inserted from another drawing will be scaled if necessary to match drawing units in the current drawing.
Synchronizes AutoCAD settings with AutoCAD Civil 3D settings. If there are no equivalent AutoCAD settings, a message appears asking if you want to match as closely as possible. The AutoCAD settings that are synchronized to theAutoCAD Civil 3D settings include the AUNITS, DIMAUNIT, INSUNITS, and MEASUREMENT AutoCAD system variables (sysvars).
Specifies the intended plot scale in imperial or metric units.
Specifies the plotted size of various annotation-related components, such as label text, ticks, and band heights. If you change the scale, all annotation objects adjust accordingly.
Specifies the geographic zone.
Specifies the coordinate system within the selected zone category. If you do not select a zone category, then the default (No Datum, No Projection) is enabled. If you select a zone category but do not select a coordinate system, then, by default, the first entry in the list is selected.
Displays the coordinate system code.
Displays a description of the selected zone.
Displays the projection method for the coordinate system.
Displays the abbreviation for the datum on which the coordinate system is based.