You can determine the station and offset distance of an existing point, or group of points, from an existing baseline with the Inverse Point command.
To inverse a point from the Survey Command Window
To inverse a point, using the survey command language
BL INV [point 1] (point 2)
NE 1 1000 1000
ZD 2 90 400
BL IS 1 2 100
BL TP 3 220 50
BL TP 4 270 -50
BL INV 1 4
This station and offset of points 1, 2, 3, and 4 are listed:
! Point Station Offset Level. Northing Easting
! 1 100.00 0.00 <Null> 1000.00 1000.00
! 2 500.00 0.00 <Null> 1000.00 1400.00
! 3 220.00 50.00 <Null> 950.00 1120.00
! 4 270.00 -50.00 <Null> 1050.00 1170.00