You can establish the instrument height to use with the Station/Offset Pole or Offset Pole commands by using the Set Height of Instrument command.
Note: For parameter descriptions, see the Quick Reference tab.
To set the instrument height from the Survey Command Window
- In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click the network to edit, and click Survey Command Window.
- Click Centerline menu Set Height of Instrument.
- Enter the instrument height.
Note: The Set Height of Instrument command does not affect the height of the traverse chainage. It lets you process level data.
To set the instrument height, using the survey command language
- In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click the network to edit, and click Survey Command Window.
- At the Command line, enter:
HI [level]
Command Line Example
NE 1 1000 1000
NE 2 1000 1500
NE 3 1300 1700
HI 200
! Current HI: 200.000
The height of instrument is set to 200.00.