Use this tab to control the display of watersheds.
Specifies the watersheds display properties:
Specifies the level used to flatten the watersheds; available only when you set the Watershed Display Mode to Flatten Levels.
Specifies the scale factor used to exaggerate the watersheds; available only when you set the Watershed Display Mode to Exaggerate Level.
Specifies the size and scaling method of the drain target points.
Specifies the scaling method, which, in combination with the Watershed Units value, determines the point symbol size:
Specifies the value for the point size.
Specifies the default watershed label style. Click to select a style.
Specifies the default watershed table (legend) style. Click to select a style.
The above watershed categories have the following common properties.
Specifies the color of the watershed. Click to select the color.
Specifies a linetype for the watershed. Click to select a linetype.
Specifies whether or not to use a hatch pattern for the watershed.
Specifies the hatch pattern to use for the watershed; available only when you set the Use Hatching parameter mode to True. Click to open the Hatch Properties Dialog Box where you can select a hatch pattern.
Specifies whether or not to display drain target points for the watershed.
Specifies the symbology of the drain target point display. Click to select a drain target point symbol.
Specifies the color of the drain target point. Click to select a drain target point color.
Specifies whether or not to display drain target segments for the watershed.
Specifies the color of the drain target segment. Click to select a drain target segment color.
Specifies a linetype for the drain target segment. Click to select a linetype.