Use this tool to calculate sight distances along a carriageway and to ensure that the design meets the required minimum sight distances.
Graphic elements are added to the drawing to indicate the locations where the design meets or does not meet the required minimum sight distance, and a report can be generated which lists the sight distance status at each station.
Changes have been made in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 SP1 and AutoCAD Civil 3D 2015 to the Check Sight Distance command. The manner in which the actual sight distance is calculated (as reported in the sight distance report) has changed, and the graphics created in the drawing to illustrate the sight distance features have changed.
In previous versions of the application, when an obstruction was encountered, the command reported the actual sight distance ("3" in the illustration below) as the distance between the eye ("1" in the illustration below) and the obstruction, using the line of sight between the eye and the target ("2" in the illustration below).
A visible sight line (shown in green below) was drawn from the eye to the obstruction, and an obstructed sight line (shown in red below) was drawn starting where the obstruction began and ending at the target point.
Now when an obstruction is encountered, the command reports the actual sight distance ("3" in the illustration below) as the distance along the alignment between the eye ("1" in the illustration below) and the furthest point of visibility along the alignment towards the target (the target is "2" in the illustration below).
When an obstruction is encountered, the obstructed sight lines are now drawn in the manner shown below.