Create Reports - Slope Stake Report
Use this dialog box to select the corridors and specify sample line groups for a cross section slope stake report. This report identifies the points of slope change for a selected corridor link.
Create Reports - Cross Section Points Report
Use this dialog box to select the corridor, alignment, and feature lines, and to specify a chainage range and chainage interval for a cross section points report.
Create Reports - Map Check Report
Use this dialog box to select the plots or survey figures to include in a map check report. This report displays the directions and distances, start and end coordinates, curve data, perimeter, and area, and calculates the error of closure.
Create Reports - Plot Volume Report
Use this dialog box to select the surface and plots for a plot volume report. This report calculates the volume of an area bounded by the selected plots and is based on an existing volume VIP.
Create Reports - Chainage Offset to Points Report
Use this dialog box to select the points and alignment to use for creating a chainage offset to points report. This report lists the chainage and offset of the points relative to the selected alignment.
Create Reports - Feature Line Reports
Use this dialog box to select a corridor, an alignment, and the feature lines to include in a corridor feature line report. This report displays easting, northing, and level coordinates at the specified chainage interval for the feature lines. It also includes the coordinates of the carriageway VIP at those stations.
Create Reports - Lane Crossfall Report
Use this dialog box to select a sample line group to include in a lane crossfall report. This report displays the chainage values for the sample lines associated with the selected corridor and the X,Y coordinates of the sample line at the intersection of the alignment. The report also displays the level values of the existing ground and finished ground profiles at those X,Y points and the left and right slopes of the VIPs defined between the alignment and the edge of pavement.
Create Reports - Daylight Line Report
Use this dialog box to select a sample line group to include in a daylight line report. This report includes the X,Y, and level data for the daylight points at the ends of the sample lines. The report also includes the widths of the sample lines to the left and right of the alignment.
Create Reports - Incremental Chainage Level Difference Report
Use this dialog box to select a profile to include in an incremental chainage level difference report. This report compares an existing ground profile with a design profile and lists the chainage, existing ground level, design level, and the level differences between VIPs.
Create Reports - Milling Report
Use this dialog box to generate a report that identifies the milling areas and offset details of a specified corridor.