Survey networks and figures persist in AutoCAD Civil 3D drawings as drawing objects.
The figure object can be edited in the drawing (depending on how the figure is defined), but it displays as out-of-sync with the survey database. The survey database can be updated from the figure drawing object. If other drawings have the same figure in a drawing and the survey database has been updated, their drawing figures are shown as out-of-date and can be updated from the survey database.
When a figure with a Plot Line property is inserted into the drawing, an AutoCAD Civil 3D site is created in the drawing (if it does not exist) and plot segment objects are created in the site that is specified for the figure. If the figure is closed, a plot object of the same geometry is added. If not, then plot segments are added to the site for the figure geometry.
Survey drawing network and figure objects are displayed in the Toolspace Prospector tab under the Survey collection.