The Blend element is a custom combination of several other elements. By default, all elements are turned on in this rollout, and the Blend rendering is identical to the full, normal rendering, except for the scene background. Use the checkboxes to choose your own combination of elements to appear in the Blend rendering.
When on, include the ambient color component. Default=on.
When on, include the diffuse color component. Default=on.
When on, include the specular color component. Default=on.
When on, include self-illumination. Default=on.
When on, include reflections. Default=on.
When on, include refractions. Default=on.
When on, include atmospheric effects. Default=on.
When on, include shadows. Default=on.
When on, include the Paint component of Ink 'n Paint materials. Default=on.
When on, include the Ink component of Ink 'n Paint materials. Default=on.