Notes Dialog (Parameter Collector)

The Notes dialog lets you enter a name, URL, and comments for one or more selected parameters in Parameter Collector.

Choosing Notes from the Edit menu with multiple parameters selected opens a single dialog common to all selected parameters. Right-clicking a Parameter Select button opens a dialog for that parameter only.

When you open Notes from the Edit menu with multiple parameters selected, if the text contents for a box in all selected parameters are the same (or null), its checkbox is on, indicating that changes to the text will apply to all selected parameters. If a text box has different contents for different selected parameters, the checkbox is off, and the corresponding text box is empty and unavailable, preventing any changes. If you turn on a checkbox, you can edit the text, and changes will be applied to all selected parameters.


The Notes dialog interface comprises three text boxes, each with its respective checkbox, and a button. By default, the text boxes are empty; you can enter any text into each box, although each has a specific purpose, as described below.

Parameter Name

Lets you change the parameter name shown in Parameter Collector.

By default, the parameter name displayed in Parameter Collector is the same as the name that appeared in the Track View Pick dialog when you added it to Parameter Collector. If you enter a different name in the Notes dialog, Parameter Collector then displays that name. The changed name is used only in Parameter Collector; elsewhere, such as the Modify panel, it remains the same as before.

You can see the original parameter name, as well as the object to which it's attached, by hovering the mouse over the parameter name in Parameter Collector; the information appears in a tooltip.


Lets you enter a URL, such as

This could be a link to a Web or intranet page, or even a network location or file pertaining to the selected parameter. To access the link, click the Go button.


If the URL text box contains a valid URL, clicking Go opens the URL in a separate browser window.


Contains any comments on the parameters. This field is strictly for informational purposes.