Value Display

Value Display (the field on the right) displays the value, or position in space, of a highlighted key. This is an editable field. You can enter a new number or expression to change the value of selected keys.

Key Entry toolbar with Value Display field outlined


To move an object in space using Value Display:

  1. In the Track View (either mode) Hierarchy list, expand the Position track of an animated object. In Curve Editor mode, if Show Non-Selected Curves is not active, highlight a track, if necessary, so the keys are visible.
  2. Highlight an X, Y, or Z Position key.

    The Value Display shows the X, Y, or Z Position key spatial value.

  3. Enter the new value in the Value Display field and press .

    The new value takes effect. If the time slider is at or near the same frame as the key, the change is visible in the viewports.

Example: To add 10 to the values of specific keys:

  1. In Track View, either mode, highlight the keys to edit.
  2. In the Value Display field, enter n+10.

    Each key's value is incremented by 10. Simply entering 10 would give each key a value of 10.