Material/Map Browser Options Menu

Shows general options for managing the Material/Map Browser


New Group

Opens a dialog so you can create a new custom group.


New Material Library

Opens a dialog so you can create a new custom library.

The new library appears in the Material/Map Browser.

3ds Max saves the library as a MAT file with the name you entered; for example, New Library.mat. The default location for the library is the \materiallibraries folder in your current project. If you have not set a project folder, it saves the new library in the folder <3ds Max program folder>\materiallibraries.

Open Material Library

Opens a file dialog so you can open an existing material library MAT file.



Toggles display of the Materials group. Default=on.


Toggles display of the Maps group. Default=on.


Toggles display of the Controllers group. Default=on.

Autodesk Material Library

Toggles display of the Autodesk Material Library. Default=on.

Scene Materials

Toggles display of the Scene Materials group. Default=on.

Sample Slots

Toggles display of the Sample Slots group. Default=on.


Show Incompatible

When on, the Material/Map list shows entries that are not compatible with the active renderer. Default=off.

Show Empty Groups

When on, shows groups even if they are empty. Default=on.


Additional Options

Shows a submenu with four options:

  • Reset Material/Map Browser Resets the Material/Map Browser to its default appearance. 3ds Max opens a message that asks if you really want to do this.
  • Clear Preview Thumbnail Cache Clears all cached preview bitmaps and renders them again. This can take a bit of time. 3ds Max opens a message that asks if you really want to do this.
  • Load Layout Opens a file dialog that lets you save the Material/Map Browser layout. Browser layout files have the file name extension MPL.
  • Save Layout As Opens a file dialog that lets you save the current Material/Map Browser layout. Browser layout files have the file name extension MPL.

    By default, 3ds Max saves Material/Map Browser layout files in the \sceneassets\images folder of the current Project folder.