L-Ext Extended Primitive

Use L-Ext to create an extruded L-shaped object.

Example of L-Ext


To create an L-Ext object:

  1. From the Create menu, choose Extended Primitives L-Ext.
  2. Drag the mouse to define the base. (Press to constrain the base to a square.)
  3. Release the mouse and move it vertically to define the height of the L-extrusion.
  4. Click, and then move the mouse vertically to define the thickness or width of the walls of the L-extrusion.
  5. Click to finish the L-extrusion.


Creation Method rollout


Draws the object from corner to corner. You can change the center location by moving the mouse.


Draws the object from the center out.

Parameters rollout

Side/Front Length

Specify the lengths of each "leg" of the L.

Side/Front Width

Specify the widths of each "leg" of the L.


Specifies the height of the object.

Side/Front Segs

Specify the number of segments for a specific "leg" of the object.

Width/Height Segs

Specify the number of segments for the overall width and height.

Note: The object's dimensions (Back, Side, Front) are labeled as though it were created in the Top or Perspective viewports, and seen from the front in world space.
Generate Mapping Coords

Sets up the required coordinates for applying mapped materials to the object. Default=on.

Real-World Map Size

Controls the scaling method used for texture mapped materials that are applied to the object. The scaling values are controlled by the Use Real-World Scale settings found in the applied material's Coordinates rollout. Default=off.