Seat Rollout (Populate)

Sets the properties of the selected seat.

In Populate, a seat is a box on which a simulated person "hangs out," either sitting by themself or interacting with other seated people. Visible features include connecting lines that show a group of people talking, and markers that show the character's spatial orientation and gender: red for female and and blue for male.

Chooses the gender of the person on the chair.
Sets the height of the chair. Range: 17.0 inches to 21.0 inches. Default=18.0 inches.
When off, the seated character interacts with other characters who are seated nearby and facing in the sitter's direction. When on, the seated character does not interact, and behaves as if alone. Default=off.

Turning on Single can change the behavior of nearby characters, who might also behave as Single if there is no one else to interact with.