The Scale XYZ controller has independent float controllers for each scale axis of an object's transform. With three separate tracks for scale, you can create scale keys for each axis independently, change interpolation settings for a single axis, or assign a controller on an axis. For example, after applying a Scale XYZ controller, you could apply a Noise or Waveform controller to an axis to animate that axis independently.
The Scale XYZ controller assigns three keys (one for each axis), by default. You can create explicit axis keys with actions available from the Customize User Interface dialog.
Example: To assign the Scale XYZ controller to an object:
The Track View - Curve Editor opens with the sphere as the first item in the hierarchy.
The Track View hierarchy window shows three tracks, which you can use to control the object's scale on separate axes.
The Noise Controller dialog automatically displays.
After applying the Scale XYZ controller to an object, Scale XYZ parameters appear in a rollout on the Motion panel.
Choose an axis to edit its keys with controls on the Motion panel Key Info rollouts.
In order to edit scaling animation, one or more keys must already exist. To create keys, either turn on Auto Key and scale the object, or click Scale in the Create Key group on the PRS Parameters rollout.