About Setting Text Generation Flag (VBA/ActiveX)

The text generation flag specifies if the text is displayed backward or upside-down.

To set the text generation flag, use the TextGenerationFlag property. To display the text backward, enter acTextFlagBackward for this property. To display the text upside-down, enter acTextFlagUpsideDown for this property. To display the text both backward and upside-down, add the two constants together by entering acTextFlagBackward+acTextFlagUpsidedown for this property.

Display text backward

This example creates a line of text, then sets it to be displayed backward using the TextGenerationFlag property.

Sub Ch4_ChangingTextGenerationFlag()
  Dim textObj As AcadText
  Dim textString As String
  Dim insertionPoint(0 To 2) As Double
  Dim height As Double

  ' Create the text object
  textString = "Hello, World."
  insertionPoint(0) = 3
  insertionPoint(1) = 3
  insertionPoint(2) = 0
  height = 0.5
  Set textObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(textString, insertionPoint, height)

  ' Change the value of the TextGenerationFlag
  textObj.TextGenerationFlag = acTextFlagBackward
End Sub