Defining the Command Prompt Interaction and Calculating Values

The gpuser subroutine prompts the user for information necessary to draw a garden path.

In this subroutine, you use the user input methods of the Utility object and calculate values used to create the geometry for the outside edges of the path.

  1. In the Code window, click after the End Function statement of the distance function and press Enter twice.
  2. Type the following code:
    ' Acquire the information for the garden path
    Private Sub gpuser()
      ' Defines a local variant variable
      Dim varRet As Variant
      ' Prompt the user for the start point of the path's centerline
      varRet = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint( , "Specify start point of path: ")
      sp(0) = varRet(0)
      sp(1) = varRet(1)
      sp(2) = varRet(2)
      ' Prompt the user for the endpoint of the path's centerline
      varRet = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(sp, "Specify endpoint of path: ")
      ep(0) = varRet(0)
      ep(1) = varRet(1)
      ep(2) = varRet(2)
      ' Prompt for half of the path's width
      hwidth = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetDistance(sp, "Specify half width of path: ")
      ' Prompt for the radius of a tile
      trad = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetDistance(sp, "Specify radius of tiles: ")
      ' Prompt for the spacing between the tiles
      tspac = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetDistance(sp, "Specify spacing between tiles: ")
      ' Calculate the angle from the axis
      pangle = ThisDrawing.Utility.AngleFromXAxis(sp, ep)
      ' Multiple by two for the total width of the path
      totalwidth = 2 * hwidth
      ' Calculate the distance of the path
      plength = distance(sp, ep)
      ' Calculate the angle of the path plus or minus 90 degrees
      angp90 = pangle + dtr(90)
      angm90 = pangle - dtr(90)
    End Sub
  3. Save the project.

The following illustration shows how the values within the gpuser subroutine are obtained or calculated for the garden path.