About Exporting to Other File Formats (VBA/ActiveX)

If you need to use an AutoCAD drawing in another application, you can convert it to a specific format by using the Export method.

The Export method exports a AutoCAD drawing to a WMF, SAT, EPS, DXF, or BMP format. The Export method takes three values as input: the name for the new file to be created, the extension for the new file, and the selection set of objects to export.

When exporting to WMF, SAT, or BMP format, you must provide a nonempty selection set. This selection set specifies the objects from the drawing to export. If no selection set is specified, nothing is exported and a trappable invalid argument error results.

When exporting to EPS and DXF formats, Export ignores the selection set argument, but it is still required. The entire drawing is automatically exported for these formats.

Export a drawing as a DXF file and import it again

This example creates a circle in the current drawing. It then exports the drawing to a file called DXFExprt.dxf, opens a new drawing, and imports the file. Note that an empty selection set is provided as an argument to Export. The Export method ignores selection set information when exporting a DXF file, but a syntax error results if the argument is omitted.

Sub Ch3_ImportingAndExporting()
  ' Create the circle for visual representation
  Dim circleObj As AcadCircle
  Dim centerPt(0 To 2) As Double
  Dim radius As Double
  centerPt(0) = 2: centerPt(1) = 2: centerPt(2) = 0
  radius = 1
  Set circleObj = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(centerPt, radius)

  ' Create an empty selection set
  Dim sset As AcadSelectionSet
  Set sset = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("NEWSSET")

  ' Export the current drawing to a DXF file in the
  ' AutoCAD temporary file directory
  Dim tempPath As String
  Dim exportFile As String
  Const dxfname As String = "DXFExprt"
  tempPath = ThisDrawing.Application.preferences.Files.TempFilePath
  exportFile = tempPath & dxfname
  ThisDrawing.Export exportFile, "DXF", sset 

  ' Delete the empty selection set

  ' Open a new drawing
  ThisDrawing.Application.Documents.Add "acad.dwt"

  ' Define the import
  Dim importFile As String
  Dim insertPoint(0 To 2) As Double
  Dim scalefactor As Double
  importFile = tempPath & dxfname & ".dxf"
  insertPoint(0) = 0: insertPoint(1) = 0: insertPoint(2) = 0
  scalefactor = 2#

  ' Import the file
  ThisDrawing.Import importFile, insertPoint, scalefactor
End Sub