dictremove (AutoLISP)

Removes an entry from the specified dictionary

Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac OS


(dictremove ename symbol)

Type: ads_name

Name of the dictionary being modified.


Type: String

The entry to be removed from ename.

Return Values

Type: ads_name or nil

The entity name of the removed entry. If ename is invalid or symbol is not found, dictremove returns nil.


By default, removing an entry from a dictionary does not delete it from the database. This must be done with a call to entdel. Currently, the exceptions to this rule are groups and multiline styles. The code that implements these features requires that the database and these dictionaries be up to date and, therefore, automatically deletes the entity when it is removed (with dictremove) from the dictionary.

The dictremove function does not allow the removal of an multiline style from the multiline style dictionary if it is actively referenced by an multiline in the database.


The following example removes the dictionary created in the dictadd example:

(dictremove (namedobjdict) "my_way_cool_dictionary")
<Entity name: 1d98950>