Searches a list for an old item and returns a copy of the list with a new item substituted in place of every occurrence of the old item
Supported Platforms: Windows and Mac OS
(subst newitem olditem lst)
Type: Integer, Real, String, List, Symbol, ads_name, T, or nil
An atom or list.
Type: Integer, Real, String, List, Symbol, ads_name, T, or nil
An atom or list.
Type: List
A list.
A list, with newitem replacing all occurrences of olditem. If olditem is not found in lst, subst returns lst unchanged.
(setq sample '(a b (c d) b)) (A B (C D) B) (subst 'qq 'b sample) (A QQ (C D) QQ) (subst 'qq 'z sample) (A B (C D) B) (subst 'qq '(c d) sample) (A B QQ B) (subst '(qq rr) '(c d) sample) (A B (QQ RR) B) (subst '(qq rr) 'z sample) (A B (C D) B)
When used in conjunction with assoc, subst provides a convenient means of replacing the value associated with one key in an association list, as demonstrated by the following function calls.
Set variable who to an association list:
(setq who '((first john) (mid q) (last public))) ((FIRST JOHN) (MID Q) (LAST PUBLIC))
The following sets old to (FIRST JOHN) and new to (FIRST J):
(setq old (assoc 'first who) new '(first j)) (FIRST J)
Finally, replace the value of the first item in the association list:
(subst new old who) ((FIRST J) (MID Q) (LAST PUBLIC))