About Customizing Exit Buttons (DCL)

You may want to change the text of one of the exit buttons for some dialog boxes.

Note: DCL support in AutoLISP is limited to Windows only.

For example, if you create a dialog box capable of destroying data, it is safer to label the button Destroy instead of OK. To do this, use the retirement_button prototype as follows:

destroy_button : retirement_button {
  label = "&Destroy";
  key = "destroy";

Notice the use of the ampersand ( & ) in the text being assigned to the label attribute. This assigns a mnemonic to the tile. In this case the letter D is underscored in the button label and becomes the mnemonic.

Note: When customizing existing button subassemblies, you should obtain the proper DCL code from your base.dcl file.

Once you have defined a custom exit button, you need to embed it in a subassembly that matches the appearance and functionality of the standard clusters. The following example shows the default definition of ok_cancel_help:

ok_cancel_help : column {
  : row {
    fixed_width = true;
    alignment = centered;
    : spacer { width = 2; }
    : spacer { width = 2; }

The new subassembly that replaces the ok_button with the new button might look like the following:

destroy_cancel_help : column {
  : row {
    fixed_width = true;
    alignment = centered;
    : spacer { width = 2; }
    : spacer { width = 2; }

In the standard subassembly, the OK button is the default, but this attribute was not added to destroy_button. Where the dialog box's action can be destructive (or very time-consuming), it is strongly recommended to make the Cancel button the default. For example, the following defines the Cancel button as both the Default and Abort button:

destroy_cancel_help : column {
  : row {
    fixed_width = true;
    alignment = centered;
    : spacer { width = 2; }
    : cancel_button { is_default = true; }
    : spacer { width = 2; }

Because an attribute has been changed, the original Cancel button is used as a prototype, requiring a colon in front of cancel_button.

Note: When the Cancel button and the Default button are the same (both is_default and is_cancel are true) and you neglect to assign an action that calls done_dialog to any other button, then no other button can exit the dialog box and it will always be canceled.