GRIPSUBOBJMODE (System Variable)

Controls whether grips are automatically made hot when subobjects are selected.

Saved in:Registry
Initial value:1

When grips are selected, they change color and are made hot, which means that they can be used to modify the associated object or subobject. This setting is stored as a bitcode using the sum of the following values:

0 Grips are NOT made hot when subobjects are selected.
1 Grips for the attributes of blocks, and the grips for the faces, edges, vertices, and controls points of solids, meshes, or NURBS surfaces are made hot when subobjects are selected.
2 Grips for polyline segments are made hot when these subobjects are selected.

Setting this system variable to 1 is especially helpful for quickly modifying groups of faces, edges, and vertices on mesh objects.