Provides a quick guide to which commands are new in this release.
New commands | Description | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
GEOMAPIMAGE | Captures a portion of the online map to an object known as a map image, and embeds it in the drawing area. | X | X |
GEOMAPIMAGEUPDATE | Reloads map images from the online maps service and optionally resets their resolution for optimal on-screen viewing. | X | X |
ISODRAFT | Turns isometric drafting on or off along with all related settings, and specifies the current 2D isometric drafting plane. | X | X |
NEWTAB | Displays a New Tab which allows direct access to files, learning resources, Autodesk 360 and more. | X | X |
ONLINEAUTOCAD360 | Launches AutoCAD 360 in your default browser. | X | X |
PMTOGGLE | Controls whether the Performance Recorder is turned on or off. The Performance Feedback tool can be used to record performance issues for analysis by Autodesk. | X | |
POINTCLOUDCOLORMAP | Displays the Point Cloud Color Map dialog box, used to define settings for Intensity, Elevation, and Classification point cloud stylizations. | X | |
POINTCLOUDCROP | Crops a selected point cloud to a specified polygonal, rectangular, or circular boundary. | X | |
POINTCLOUDMANAGER | Displays the Point Cloud Manager palette, used to control display of point cloud projects, regions, and scans. | X | |
POINTCLOUDMANAGERCLOSE | Closes the Point Cloud Manager. | X | |
POINTCLOUDSTYLIZE | Controls the coloration of point clouds. | X | |
POINTCLOUDUNCROP | Permanently removes all cropped areas from selected point clouds. | X | |
PTYPE | Specifies the display style and size of point objects. | X | X |
TEXTALIGN | Aligns multiple text objects vertically, horizontally, or obliquely. | X | X |
RECAP | Launches Autodesk ReCap from within AutoCAD. | X | |
New system variables | Description | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
COLORTHEME | Sets the color theme of the ribbon, palettes, and several other interface elements to dark or light. | X | X |
COMMANDPREVIEW | Controls whether a preview of the possible outcome of the command is displayed. | X | X |
COMPLEXLTPREVIEW | Controls whether a preview of the complex linetype is displayed during interactive operations. | X | X |
CURSORBADGE | Determines whether the cursor badge are displayed in the drawing area. | X | X |
HIGHLIGHTSMOOTHING | Controls the anti-aliasing effect on object highlighting. | X | X |
HPLINETYPE | Controls how non-continuous linetypes are displayed in hatch objects. | X | X |
LAYOUTTAB | Controls whether Model and Layout tabs are displayed or not. | X | X |
MTEXTAUTOSTACK | Controls autostacking for the MTEXT command. | X | X |
MTEXTDETECTSPACE | Controls whether the keyboard spacebar is used to create list items in the MTEXT command. | X | X |
NEWTABMODE | Specifies whether clicking the plus sign (+) on the file tab bar displays the New Tab or opens a new drawing. | X | X |
ORBITAUTOTARGET | Controls how the target point is acquired for the 3DORBIT command. | X | |
OSNAPOVERRIDE | Determines whether the object snap settings in the OSNAP dialog are enforced. | X | X |
PCMSTATE | Indicates whether the Point Cloud Manager is open or closed. | X | |
POINTCLOUDLIGHTING | Controls the way lighting effects are displayed for a point cloud. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDLIGHTSOURCE | Determines the light source for point clouds when lighting is turned on. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDLOD | Sets the level of density of point display for point clouds. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDPOINTMAXLEGACY | Applies only to legacy (pre-2015) point clouds. Sets the maximum number of points that can be displayed for all legacy point clouds attached to the drawing. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDPOINTSIZE | Controls the size of the points for new point cloud objects. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDSHADING | Specifies whether the brightness of the points in the point cloud are diffuse or specular. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDVISRETAIN | Controls whether a legacy drawing (created in AutoCAD 2014) retains the on or off status of individual scans (RCS files) and regions referenced by an attached point cloud project (RCP file). | X | X |
SORTORDER | Specifies whether the layer list is ordered using a natural sort order or ASCII values. | X | X |
STATUSBARSTATE | Indicates whether the status bar is visible or not. | X | X |
TEXTALIGNMODE | Stores the alignment option for aligned text. | X | X |
TEXTALIGNSPACING | Stores the spacing option for aligned text. | X | X |
TEXTALLCAPS | Controls automatic correction for MTEXT and TEXT/DTEXT when CAPS LOCK is active. | X | X |
TEXTAUTOCORRECTCAPS | Controls whether or not Caps Lock is automatically turned off for Multiline text and Text. | X | X |
New commands | Description | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
DESIGNFEEDCLOSE | Closes the Design Feed palette. | X | X |
DESIGNFEEDOPEN | Opens the Design Feed palette. | X | X |
FILETAB | Displays the File tabs at the top of the drawing area. | X | X |
FILETABCLOSE | Hides the File tabs at the top of the drawing area. | X | X |
GEOLOCATEME | Displays or hides an indicator that shows your current position. | X | X |
GEOMAP | Displays a map from an online maps service, in the current viewport. | X | X |
GEOMARKLATLONG | Places a position marker at a location defined by a latitude and longitude. | X | X |
GEOMARKME | Places a position marker in model space at the spot corresponding to your current position. | X | X |
GEOMARKPOINT | Places a position marker at a specified point in model space. | X | X |
GEOMARKPOSITION | Places a position marker at a location you specify. | X | X |
GEOREMOVE | Removes all geographic location information from the drawing file. | X | X |
GEOREORIENTMARKER | Modifies the orientation and position of the geographic marker without changing its latitude and longitude properties. | X | X |
INPUTSEARCHOPTIONS | Controls settings for working with AutoComplete and AutoCorrect suggestions on the command line. | X | X |
ONLINEOPENFOLDER | Opens your local Autodesk 360 folder in Windows Explorer. | X | X |
WEBLOAD | Loads a JavaScript file from a URL, and then executes the JavaScript code contained in the file. | X | |
New system variables | Description | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
CGEOCS | Stores the name of the GIS coordinate system assigned to the drawing file. | X | X |
CLAYOUT | Sets the current layout. | X | X |
DESIGNFEEDSTATE | Indicates whether the Design Feed palette is open or closed. | X | X |
DIMCONTINUEMODE | Determines whether the style of a continued dimension is based on the dimension that is being continued or on the current dimension style. | X | X |
FILETABPREVIEW | Controls the type of preview, list view or thumbnail view, when you hover over a file tab. | X | X |
FILETABSTATE | Indicates the display status of the file tabs at the top of the drawing area. | X | X |
FILETABTHUMBHOVER | Specifies whether the corresponding model or layout loads in the drawing window when you hover over a file tab thumbnail. | X | X |
GEOMARKPOSITIONSIZE | Specifies the scale factor to use for point objects and multiline text objects when creating position markers. | X | X |
HPPICKMODE | Sets whether the default method for identifying what to hatch is to select a point or to select an object. | X | X |
INPUTSEARCHDELAY | Sets the number of milliseconds to delay before the command line suggestion list is displayed. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDCACHESIZE | Specifies amount of memory the reserved to display for point clouds. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDVISRETAIN | Controls whether the drawing retains the on or off status of point cloud scan files that are referenced by an attached RCP file. | X | |
SAFEMODE | Indicates whether executable code can be loaded and executed in the current AutoCAD session. | X | |
SECURELOAD | Controls whether AutoCAD loads executable files based on their location. | X | |
TOUCHMODE | For those using a touch-enabled screen or interface, controls the display of the Touch panel on the ribbon. | X | X |
TRUSTEDDOMAINS | Controls the domain names or URLs from which AutoCAD can run JavaScript code. | X | |
TRUSTEDPATHS | Controls the folders from where AutoCAD can load and execute files that contain executable code. | X | |
TEXTJUSTIFY | Displays the default justification used by the TEXT command to create single-line text. | X | X |
New commands | Description | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
ARRAYCLASSIC | Displays the legacy Array dialog box. | X | X |
ONLINECOLNOW | Starts an online session with AutoCAD WS, in which people that you invite can simultaneously view and edit your current drawing. | X | X |
ONLINEDOCS | Opens your Autodesk 360 documents list and folders in a browser. | X | X |
ONLINEOPTIONS | Opens the Online tab of the Options dialog box. | X | X |
ONLINESHARE | Designates who can access the current document from Autodesk 360. | X | X |
ONLINESYNC | Starts or stops syncing your custom settings with Autodesk 360. | X | X |
ONLINESYNCSETTINGS | Displays the Choose Which Settings Are Synced dialog box where you can specify selected settings to be synced. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDCLIP | Crops the display of a selected point cloud to specified boundaries. | X | |
POINTCLOUDINTENSITYEDIT | Opens the Point Cloud Intensity Color Mapping dialog box that specifies intensity color mapping for eligible point clouds. | X | |
SURFEXTRACTCURVE | Extracts isolines curves from a surface. | X | |
VIEWCOMPONENT | Selects drawing view components for editing. | X | |
VIEWDETAIL | Supports the creation of detail views by selecting an existing drawing view | X | |
VIEWSECTION | Supports the creation of section views by selecting a drawing view to cut. | X | |
VIEWDETAILSTYLE | Supports the creation or modification of detail view styles. | X | |
VIEWSECTIONSTYLE | Supports the creation and editing of section view styles. | X | |
VIEWSKETCH | Activates model space for a view and enters a “view sketching” state to edit and constrain a section line or detail boundary | X | |
VIEWSKETCHCLOSE | Exits a “view sketching” state and makes paper space current. | X | |
New system variables | Description | AutoCAD | AutoCAD LT |
ANNOMONITOR | Turns the annotation monitor on and off. | X | |
ARRAYASSOCIATIVITY | Sets the default behavior of new arrays to be associative or non-associative. | X | X |
CACHEMAXFILES | Sets the maximum number of graphics cache files saved in the local configured temporary folder for the product. | X | X |
CACHEMAXTOTALSIZE | Sets the maximum total size of all graphics cache files saved in the local configured temporary folder for the product. | X | X |
CLIPROMPTLINES | Sets the number of lines displayed in the temporary prompt history when an undocked command window is set to display just the prompt line. | X | X |
CLIPROMPTUPDATE | Controls whether the command line displays the messages and prompts generated while an AutoLISP or script file is being executed. | X | X |
ONLINEDOCMODE | Indicates whether a copies of your drawings and linked files are uploaded automatically to Autodesk 360. | X | X |
ONLINESYNCTIME | Controls the time interval for synchronizing current customization settings with a local cache, which is then stored in Autodesk 360. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDCLIPFRAME | Determines whether point cloud clipping boundaries are visible or plotted in the current drawing. | X | X |
PLINEREVERSEWIDTHS | Controls the appearance of a polyline when it is reversed. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDBOUNDARY | Turns the display of a point cloud bounding box on and off. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDCLIPFRAME | Controls whether a point cloud clipping boundary is visible on the screen and when printed. | X | X |
POINTCLOUDPOINTMAX | Sets the maximum number of point cloud points that can exist in a drawing. | X | |
PROPERTYPREVIEW | Controls whether you can preview the changes to currently selected objects when you roll over drop-down lists and galleries that control properties. | X | X |
PROPPREVTIMEOUT | Sets the maximum number of seconds for a property preview to display before the preview is automatically cancelled. | X | |
SELECTIONPREVIEWLIMIT | Limits the number of objects that can display preview highlighting during a window or crossing selection. | X | X |
SNAPGRIDLEGACY | Specifies whether the grid snap is active only when specifying a point, or also during object selection. | X | |
THUMBSAVE | Controls whether BMP preview images are saved with the drawing. | X | X |
VIEWSKETCHMODE | Turns the view sketching state on or off. | X | |
VIEWUPDATEAUTO | Specifies whether Model Documentation views are updated automatically when changes are pending. | X | |
WIPEOUTFRAME | Controls the display of frames for wipeout objects. | X | X |