To Modify the Cutting Plane

You can grip edit the cutting plane similar to how you grip edit a polyline.

  1. Verify that the GRIPS system variable is set to 3.
  2. In the drawing view containing the section line, click the section line. Grips appear.
  3. To reposition a grip, drag the grip.
    Tip: If the section line is constrained, the degrees of freedom allowed for dragging may be restricted. Tap SHIFT while dragging to relax the constraints.
  4. To add a line segment:
    1. Move the cursor over the grip you want to insert the segment at. A menu displays.
    2. Click Add Segment.
    3. Click in the drawing area to indicate the end point of the line segment.
  5. To add a vertex:
    1. Move the cursor over a vertex. A menu displays.
    2. Click Add Vertex.
    3. Click in the position to add the vertex.
  6. To remove a vertex:
    1. Move the cursor over the vertex to delete. A menu displays.
    2. Click Delete Vertex.