Specifies security settings to be used when your drawing is saved.
The following options are displayed.
Adds a password to a drawing when the drawing is saved (not available in AutoCAD LT).
Adds, changes, or removes a password the next time the drawing is saved.
If you add or change the password, the Confirm Password dialog box is displayed. If you lose the password, it is not recoverable. Before you add a password, you should create a backup copy that is not protected with a password.
Encrypts the drawing properties with a password.
Drawing properties are details that help you identify the drawing, including title, author, subject, keywords that identify the model, or other important information.
Specifies the default encryption level supplied by your operating system, unless you choose an advanced level by clicking the Advanced Options button.
Opens the Advanced Options dialog box, where you can choose an encryption provider and key length.
Adds a digital signature to a drawing when the drawing is saved.
Attaches a digital signature to a drawing when the drawing is saved.
Displays a list of digital IDs that you can use to sign files. Includes information about the organization or individual to whom the digital ID was issued, the digital ID vendor who issued the digital ID, and when the digital ID expires.
Provides a list of time services you can use to add a time stamp to your digital signature, the status of the time server connection, and a Comments area (to include information relevant to the digital signature or to the files you are signing).
Provides a list of time servers you can use to time stamp your digital signature.
Displays the connection status (Successfully Contacted Time Server or Could Not Contact Time Server) of the time service.
Provides a place for comments about the digital signature or the files that you are signing.