Controls the number of leader points, landing size, and scale for the multilieader.
Multileader Style Manager Modify Leader Structure tab
The following options are displayed.
Controls the constraints of the multileader.
Specifies a maximum number of points for the leader line.
Specifies the angle of the first point in the leader line.
Specifies the angle of the second point in the multileader landing line.
Controls the landing settings of the multileader.
Attaches a horizontal landing line to the multileader content.
Determines the fixed distance for the multileader landing line.
Controls the scaling of the multileader.
Specifies that the multileader is annotative.
Determines a scaling factor for the multileader based on the scaling in the model space and paper space viewports.
This option is available when the multileader is not annotative.
Specifies the scale for the multileader.
This option is available when the multileader is not annotative.