You can get and manipulate the AutoCAD drawing objects that make up a survey network from the AutoCAD Civil 3D user interface. The drawing objects are represented by the AeccSurveyNetworkEntity object. For example, this code prompts the user to select the survey network, tests whether it is the survey network object, and then prints some information about it:
Dim objPart As AeccSurveyNetworkEntity Dim objEnt As AcadObject Dim objAcadEnt As AcadEntity Dim varPick As Variant ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity objEnt, varPick, "Select the Survey Network" If TypeOf objEnt Is AeccSurveyNetworkEntity Then Set objPart = objEnt Debug.Print objPart.Name, TypeName(objPart) ElseIf TypeOf objEnt Is AcadEntity Then Set objAcadEnt = objEnt Debug.Print objAcadEnt.Name, TypeName(objAcadEnt) End If