The AeccSite:FeatureLines property is a collection of grading feature lines in the drawing. This collection only contains the types of feature lines available through the Prospector on the AutoCAD Civil 3D user interface. The collection doesn’t contain daylight or projection feature lines. However, you can still get information about these types of feature lines programmatically by prompting the user to select feature line object in a drawing. This code sample prompts the user to select a feature line, and then prints out the number of points it contains:
Dim objPart As AeccLandFeatureLine Dim objEnt As AcadObject Dim objAcadEnt As AcadEntity Dim varPick As Variant ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity objEnt, varPick, "Select the polyline/feature line" If TypeOf objEnt Is AeccLandFeatureLine Then Set objPart = objEnt Debug.Print TypeName(objPart) Dim varArray As Variant varArray = objPart.GetPoints() Debug.Print "Number of points = " & UBound(varArray) ElseIf TypeOf objEnt Is AcadEntity Then Set objAcadEnt = objEnt Debug.Print TypeName(objAcadEnt) If (g_oAeccDoc.Sites.Count = 0) Then g_oAeccDoc.Sites.Add "TestSite" End If Set objPart = g_oAeccDoc.Sites(0).FeatureLines.AddFromPolyline(objAcadEnt.ObjectID, "Standard") End If