Parcel objects can have user-defined properties associated with them, and the properties can be organized into user-defined classifications, or are put into an “Unclassified” classification. You can create new classifications and user-defined properties via the API, though you can’t access the values of existing user-defined properties attached to parcels. For more information about user-defined properties and classifications, see User-Defined Property Classifications in the AutoCAD Civil 3D User Guide.
This sample creates a new user-defined property classification for parcels called “Example”, and then adds a new user-defined property with upper and lower bounds and a default value:
Dim oApp As AcadApplication Set oApp = ThisDrawing.Application ' NOTE - Always specify the version number. Const sAppName = "AeccXUiLand.AeccApplication.6.0" Set g_vCivilApp = oApp.GetInterfaceObject(sAppName) Set g_oDocument = g_vCivilApp.ActiveDocument Set g_oAeccDb = g_oDocument.Database Dim oUDPClass As AeccUserDefinedPropertyClassification Dim oUDPProp As AeccUserDefinedProperty 'Create a user-defined parcel property classification Set oUDPClass = g_oAeccDb.ParcelUserDefinedPropertyClassifications.Add("Example") ' Add a Property to our new classification An integer using upper ' and lower bound limits of 10 and 20 with a default value of 15 Set oUDPProp = oUDPClass.UserDefinedProperties.Add("Extra Data", _ "Some Extra Data", aeccUDPPropertyFieldTypeInteger, True, False, 10, True, _ False, 20, True, 15, Null)