Creating Station Sets

Alignment stations are usually labeled at regular intervals. You can compute the number, location, and geometry of stations taken at regular spacings by using the Alignment::GetStationSet() method. Overloads of this method return a collection of stations based on the type of station requested, and optionally major and minor intervals.

// Get all the potential stations with major interval = 100, and minor interval = 20
// Print out the raw station number, type, and location
Station[] myStations = myAlignment.GetStationSet( StationType.All,100,20);
ed.WriteMessage("Number of possible stations: {0}\n", myStations.Length);
foreach (Station myStation in myStations){                    
        ed.WriteMessage("Station {0} is type {1} and at {2}\n", myStation.RawStation, myStation.StnType.ToString(), myStation.Location.ToString());                    