Each document has an associated database object of type AeccDatabase that is accessed through the AeccDocument.Database property. The database object is inherited from the AutoCAD ObjectARX object AcadDatabase. The AeccDatabase object contains references to all the same AutoCAD Civil 3D entities as the AeccDocument object. However, it is the only object that contains references to base AutoCAD entities. See the AutoCAD ObjectARX documentation for more information.
' Add a polyline to the drawing's collection of objects. Dim oPolyline As AcadPolyline Dim dPoints(0 To 8) As Double dPoints(0) = 1000: dPoints(1) = 1000: dPoints(2) = 0 dPoints(3) = 1000: dPoints(4) = 4000: dPoints(5) = 0 dPoints(6) = 4000: dPoints(7) = 4000: dPoints(8) = 0 ' The database is where all such objects are stored. Set oPolyline = oDocument.Database.ModelSpace.AddPolyline(dPoints) oPolyline.Closed = True
The AeccDatabase object also has an AddEvent() method, that lets you send an event to the Event Viewer in the AutoCAD Civil 3D user interface:
Dim oAeccApp As AeccApplication Set oAeccApp = ThisDrawing.Application.GetInterfaceObject("AeccXUiLand.AeccApplication.6.0") oAeccApp.Init ThisDrawing.Application Dim oDatabase As AeccDatabase Set oDatabase = oAeccApp.ActiveDocument.Database oDatabase.AddEvent aeccEventMessageError, "PipeLengthRule", "Parameter Bad"