Using Point Groups

Once a point group has been created, you can perform actions upon all the points in that group in a single operation. You can override point elevations, descriptions, styles, and label styles.

' Check to see if a particular point exists in the group.
If (oPtGroup.ContainsPoint(oPoint1.Number) = False) Then
    Debug.Print oPoint1.Name & " is not in the point group."
End If
' Set the elevation of all the points in the group to 100.
oPtGroup.Elevation = 100
oPtGroup.OverrideElevation = True

Point groups can also be used to define or modify a TIN surface. The AeccTinSurface.PointGroups property is a collection of point groups. When a point group is added to the collection, every point in the point group is added to the TIN surface.

' oTinSurf is a valid object of type AeccTinSurface.
' oPointGroup is a valid object of type AeccPointGroup.
oTinSurf.PointGroups.Add oPointGroup