A station is a point along an alignment a certain distance from the start of the alignment. By default the station at the start point of an alignment is 0 and increases contiguously through its length. This can be changed by using station equations, which can renumber stations along an alignment. A station equation is an object of type StationEquation which contains a location along the alignment, a new station number basis, and a flag describing whether station values should increase or decrease from that location on. A collection of these station equations is contained in the Alignment::StationEquations property.
The following code adds a station equation to an alignment, starting at a point 80 units from the beginning of the alignment, and increasing in value:
StationEquation myStationEquation = myAlignment.StationEquations.Add(80, 0, StationEquationType.Increasing);
Some functions, such as Alignment::DesignSpeedCollection::GetDesignSpeed(), require a “raw” station value without regard to modifications made by station equations.