An applied subassembly consists of a series of calculated shapes, links, and points, represented by objects of type CalculatedShape, CalculatedLink, and CalculatedPoint respectively.
foreach (AppliedSubassembly oSubassembly in oASC) { ed.WriteMessage("Applied subassembly: Station to baseline: {0}, Offset to baseline: {1}, Elevation to baseline: {2}\n", oSubassembly.OriginStationOffsetElevationToBaseline.X, oSubassembly.OriginStationOffsetElevationToBaseline.Y, oSubassembly.OriginStationOffsetElevationToBaseline.Z); }
Applied subassemblies also contain an ObjectId reference to the archetype subassembly (of type Subassembly) in the subassembly database.
// Get information about the subassembly template: ObjectId oID = oAppliedSubassembly.SubassemblyId; Subassembly oSubassembly = ts.GetObject(oID, OpenMode.ForRead) as Subassembly; ed.WriteMessage("Subassembly name: {0}\n", oSubassembly.Name);
You can access the parameters of an AppliedSubassembly through its Parameters property. The items held in the Parameters collection are of type AppliedSubassemblyParam<T>, depending on the type of the parameter. Use this collection for read access to parameters. To modify the value of a Parameter, use the GetParameter() method, which returns type AppliedSubassemblyParam<T>, depending on the type of the parameter. Defined parameter types are String, Double, Boolean, and Int32. You can check whether a parameter exists with the Contains() method.
In this example, we look at the first AppliedSubassembly in the first BaselineRegion of a corridor, and print out the type and value for each defined parameter. We also check whether a parameter exists, and change a parameter's value.
string corridorName = "Corridor - (1)"; // get the CorridorSurface by name: ObjectId corridorId = _civildoc.CorridorCollection[corridorName]; Corridor corridor = ts.GetObject(corridorId, OpenMode.ForRead) as Corridor; // Get the first applied subassembly in the first assembly in the first BaselineRegion: BaselineRegion baselineRegion = corridor.Baselines[0].BaselineRegions[0]; AppliedAssembly appliedAssembly = baselineRegion.AppliedAssemblies[0]; AppliedSubassembly appliedSubassembly = appliedAssembly.GetAppliedSubassemblies()[0]; // Get parameter key names: foreach (IAppliedSubassemblyParam param in appliedSubassembly.Parameters) { _editor.WriteMessage("Parameter key name: {0}\n", param.KeyName); } foreach (var p in appliedSubassembly.Parameters) { _editor.WriteMessage("Parameter information: name: {0}, value type: {1}\n", p.KeyName, p.ValueType); Object vobj = p.ValueAsObject; if (p.ValueType == typeof(System.String)) { _editor.WriteMessage("Parameter string value: {0}\n", (String)vobj); } else if (p.ValueType == typeof(System.Double)) { _editor.WriteMessage("Parameter double value: {0}\n", (Double)vobj); } else if (p.ValueType == typeof(System.Int32)) { _editor.WriteMessage("Parameter int32 value: {0}\n", (Int32)vobj); } else if (p.ValueType == typeof(system.Boolean)) { editor.WriteMessage(“Parameter bool value: {0}\n”, (Boolean)vobj);} // we should never get here: else { _editor.WriteMessage("Unexpected type.\n"); } } // Check whether a parameter exists Bool result = appliedSubassembly.Contains(“BottomLinkCodes”); // Change a parameter’s value AppliedSubassemblyParam<string> param = appliedSubassembly.GetParameter<string>("BottomLinkCodes"); param.Value = "R1S1";