The style of text labels or graphical markers displayed with parcels and parcel segments are set by assigning a label style object to the AeccParcel.AreaLabelStyle property. All such label styles are held in the AeccDocument.ParcelLabelStyles.AreaLabelStyles property, a collection of AeccLabelStyle objects.
Parcel label styles can use the following property fields in the contents of any text component:
Valid property fields for AeccLabelStyleTextComponent.Contents |
<[Name(CU)]> |
<[Description(CP)]> |
<[Parcel Area(Usq_ft|P2|RN|AP|Sn|OF)]> |
<[Parcel Number(Sn)]> |
<[Parcel Perimeter(Uft|P3|RN|AP|Sn|OF)]> |
<[Parcel Address(CP)]> |
<[Parcel Site Name(CP)]> |
<[Parcel Tax ID(Sn)]> |
Label styles are described in detail in the chapter 1 section Label Styles.