In this exercise, you will use the Survey Command Window to perform a query on the survey data.
You will use the Inverse Points command to determine the direction and distance between two points.
This exercise continues from the Importing and Viewing Survey Data tutorial.
Specify the survey database settings
This drawing contains the survey network that was created in the Importing Field-Coded Survey Data exercise.
By default, to save on resource usage, when you start AutoCAD Civil 3D, all survey databases are displayed in a closed state.
These settings determine what information will be displayed in the Survey Command Window.
Query data using the Survey Command Window
The drawing zooms to point 1.
The following information, which describes the location of each point and the direction and distance between the points, is displayed in the command output area:
! ! POINT 1 NORTH: 5000.0000 EAST: 5000.0000 EL: 263.6500 ! ! Distance: 300.000 Course: N 72-56-33 E ! ! POINT 2 NORTH: 5087.9995 EAST: 5286.8036 EL: 259.9600
To continue this tutorial, go to Exercise 2: Performing Traverse Analysis.