Displays the properties of the selected event in the Import Events collection in the list view or the Import Events Panorama vista.
By default, displays the name of the file that was imported.
Displays an optional description.
Read-only property that is assigned at the time of the import and updated when there is a re-import.
DIsplays the read-only property of the user’s Windows login name that is used at the time of the import and updated when there is a re-import.
Displays the assigned name of the imported file. (Read-only).
Displays one of the read-only following import types:
Displays the offset value that was specified in the import command.
Displays the type of point file format used during the Import Point File command, or specified during the import survey data command.
Displays the name of the linework code set.
Displays the order in which survey point descriptions are processed to determine linework connectivity.
Displays the name of the equipment database associated with the import event.
Displays the name of the equipment associated with the import event.
Displays the name of the figure prefix database associated with the import event.