To Create a Corridor

  1. Click Home tabCreate Design panelCorridor Find.
  2. In the Create Corridor dialog box, specify the following parameters:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Corridor Style
    • Corridor Layer
    • Alignment
    • Profile
    • Assembly
      Note: If you select <none>, the corridor will be created without any regions or assemblies. You can then add regions and assemblies using the Corridor Section Editor.
    • Target Surface
  3. Select Set Baseline and Region Parameters to add multiple baselines and regions, or modify the default frequencies or start and end stations.
    Note: If Set Baseline and Region Parameters is not selected, skip Steps 4 and 5.
  4. Click OK.
  5. In the Baseline and Region Parameters dialog box, edit the parameters in the properties table. You can add additional controlling baselines, regions, or offsets, modify alignments, profiles, assemblies, or station ranges and frequency, or edit targets.
    Note: If targets are required for the corridor and not set, messages are displayed in the Event Viewer. To display the Event Viewer, click GeneralUtilitiesEvent Viewer.
  6. Click OK to create the corridor.

    The corridor name is displayed in the Corridors collection on the Prospector tab.