To Work With the Equipment Database

The survey equipment database contains one or more equipment definitions.

Equipment definitions specify the values associated with a specific surveying instrument, such as the standard deviations associated with the measuring capabilities.

Note: Equipment databases that have been migrated to XML format have the file extension EDB_XDEF.

Tutorial Exercise: Setting the Equipment and Figure Prefix Databases

To create an equipment database

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click the Equipment Databases collection. Click New.There is a default equipment database named ‘Sample,’ which is displayed in the Equipment Databases collection.
  2. In the New Equipment Database dialog box, enter a name for the new equipment database.

    A best practice is to enter the model number or the name of the equipment manufacturer in the Name field.

  3. To enter equipment definitions, right-click the equipment database and click Manage Equipment Database.
  4. In the Equipment Database Manager dialog box, enter a name for the Sample equipment definition and modify other properties as required.

To make an equipment database current

To delete an equipment definition

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, expand the Equipment Databases collection. Right-click the database that contains the definition that you want to delete Manage Equipment Database.
  2. In the Equipment Database Manager, select the definition you want to delete and click .

To add or edit an equipment definition

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, expand the Equipment Databases collection. Right-click a named equipment database Manage Equipment Database.
  2. In the Equipment Database Manager dialog box, click . The new definition is added with the default name Sample.
  3. Expand Sample and under Miscellaneous enter a name for the definition. Modify the properties as required.