Use the Inverse command to display the inverse information which includes the length, course, perimeter, area, closure error, and precision information for a given figure.
Closure, perimeter, precision, and area values are calculated using the exact XY coordinate data of each figure vertex.
The Inverse report starts at the beginning of the figure. For each segment, the inverse report lists the direction and distance, or curve data computed from the XY coordinates of the endpoints of the figure segments. The area is calculated from the XY coordinates of each segment.
Tutorial Exercise: Viewing Inverse and Mapcheck Information
To display Inverse (exact closure) information using Toolspace
Figures that have vertices created using Point names will display the point name in the Point column.
To calculate the mathematical closure of a figure using the Survey Command Window
The following is a typical report generated by the Mapcheck command:
Figure Name: WALL
North: 5000.000 East: 5000.000
Line Length: 431.47 Course: 355-00-19
North: 5429.830 East: 4962.435
Line Length: 265.59 Course: 43-52-25
Line Length: 609.71 Course: 93-31-48
North: 5583.743 East: 5755.061
Line Length: 954.40 Course: 232-17-32
North: 5000.000 East: 5000.000
Perimeter: 2261.16
Area: 234948.16 5.39 acres
Mathematical Closure - (Uses Survey Units)
Error Closure: 0.000 Course: 0-00-00
Error Closure: 0.000 Course: 0-00-00
Precision 1: 2261164601.60