To View Pipe Network Part Catalog Content

The Internet Explorer view shows an image of the 2D or 3D shape and lists all the defined values associated with the part family. For example, all size parameters, whether defined as table, list, range, and or calculated values (formulas), can be viewed in a read-only mode. Constant values, such as the part domain, type, subtype, part name, description, and the ID associated with the part, are all displayed.

  1. Using Internet Explorer, navigate to the location of the part catalog, for example, C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D <version>\enu\Pipes Catalog\US Imperial Structures.
  2. Double-click the name of the desired part catalog, for example, US Imperial Structures.htm.
  3. In the left pane catalog tree, expand a node and then select a part family.

    For example, expand the Junction Structures With Frames node, and then select the AeccStructEccentricCylinder_Imperial part family.

Content for the selected part family is displayed in the right pane.